Erin M. Blair’s Home Page!




Welcome to my new reorganized web page! 


My name is Erin M. Blair. I'm a Mulder/Scully Shipper who believes that Fox Mulder and Dana Scully belong together. I have put together a collection of shippy fan fiction that I have written and a page dedicated to the "X-Files." This page will focus on my tastes and interests. The above picture is Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully of "X-Files” fame) with her former co-star from X-Files, David Duchovny. X-Files was always my favorite television show. Of course, I like other television shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and Alias. However, I have been a fan since during the X-Files’ fourth season. This page will showcase my love for writing original stories, artwork, articles, rants, and of course, the dedication of making collages, fan fiction, and an archive for the Mulder/Scully romance.



The original description for this page when I first signed up with Geocities before it merged with Yahoo! was this:


A Relationshipper page for fan of The X-Files who believe that Mulder and Scully should belong together. I signed up at Geocities originally on 04/22/98 16:45:33, but I'm still in the process of moving in. =) Currently, I'm working on improving my Mulder/Scully fan fiction gallery, a MSRfanfic Archive dedicated to other authors, and a collection of my non-X-Files stories. My interests are: X-Files, Broadway musicals (such as Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, and Phantom of the Opera), writing stories, dancing, singing, and surfing the Internet..


About Me

X-Files Fan Fiction

Original Stories

X-Files Collages

Original Artwork

Mulder/Scully Shipper Archive


X-Files and Gillian Anderson

Other Fandoms

Mulder/Scully Shipper Page


Mailing Lists





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